Wednesday, March 2, 2011

And it continues...

I've learned one thing this past year. Crafting on a budget means that the projects take that much longer. Especially when you're saving up for things or waiting for coupons. So that's my way of saying that my coat rack isn't finished yet.

I did however finish another project that I started yesterday. 

The careful observer might notice that there were two boards in the paint picture and I said I was only making one coat rack/hangy thingy. Well the other board was for a shelf. Which I finished today. I got the idea off someone's blog and as soon as I find it again, I'll link to it. I just hate to steal someone's idea without giving them credit. But here's the finished product. 

Stupid sideways picture

Yes, that is a rubber duck. And no, he is not a part of my scrapbook supplies. It's a loooong story.

I rearranged my living room this weekend, and put my scrapbook stuff against the wall. With that I wanted shelves to put up there to hold some stuff (like glitter and little things that always stay out) but didn't want to pay a lot for them. So for a total of about $10 I made this. And I'm quite happy and proud of myself. I'm planning on putting at least one more up above it to make it look a little less lonely. And now that I know how to do it and have the other supplies, it's off to Lowes with my little self! 

BTW, everyone should check out the 30 days of lists challenge here. It's a really awesome idea, and if you don't want to do it this month, write down the prompts and do it next month. Either way, just do it. 


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